Assistance For Women In Business: What You Need To Know

Women have become a larger part of the business world in recent decades, but they can still face unique problems, such as gender discrimination when compared with their male counterparts. A variety of assistance is available, however, to help female entrepreneurs succeed. This article takes a look at some of the different types of aid that can be found. 


Grants are often a great help to women who are just getting started in business and needs financing for their ventures. Unlike loans, you do not have to pay them back, which leaves you with more money to invest in your enterprise. Grants are competitive, which means it a good idea to reduce the competition as much possible. Focus on grants targeted only at females.  

A good place to start is by researching grants offered by the government. The federal government does not provide grants especially for business women, but some state and local governments do. Check with your state or city's official website to see what they offer. Also, the BusinessUSA website has a search tool on their site that can help you locate grants for female entrepreneurs.  

Some private organizations have grants to assist women in business. For example, the Eileen Fisher company has a grant that targets firms that are exclusively female owned and run their business on socially-conscious principles.  


If you would like to start a business, but feel you need some training before you take the plunge, help is available from the Women's Business Center. This is a government sponsored network that offers training and counseling for women at almost 100 locations around the United States. In addition to the various training sessions and workshops, the center may also host informative female speakers who have already succeeded in the world.  


Many women who have achieved success in business were greatly helped by connecting a mentor. Learning from a successful woman who has already solved the problems you are facing can be an invaluable resource. A good mentor can help you start your business on the right foot and help you grow your business after you launch. If you aren't able to find a mentor on your own, you can contact SCORE Mentors, a government program that provides mentors either in person or online.  

Women in business have any resources available to assist them as they climb the ladder to financial success. With the right assistance (from professionals such as Working Women Report), you can increase the chances that your business venture will prosper.
