Have you ever had an outfit custom-made for you or arranged for carpet to be installed only to find what you get looks nothing like what you thought it would? Buying clothing, paint, carpet, and other items that use color as a main feature can be frustrating because there are so many factors that influence how the item looks in different environments. It's essential that you see swatches of material so you can compare shades, but that isn't the only reason why you need those.
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Dealing With Chronically Tardy Employees
If you have one or more employees who is chronically tardy, you may be wondering how to deal with the situation. Here are three topics to consider, including deciding on the seriousness of the offense, uncovering and potentially solving certain reasons for tardiness, and making sure your business is covered from a legal standpoint if you need to take action.
Ask If the Tardiness Is Really a Big Deal
Your first step when dealing with a chronically tardy employee should be to ask yourself if their lateness is really as bad as it seems.
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Improving Security As Your Business Expands: Ideas For You
When you are the owner of a small business, you may never be able to imagine the day when your business expands into a major operation. However, if this day has come, you may be starting to wonder and worry about your business's security. After all, when your operation was quite small, you knew all of your employees by name, and you knew exactly who had access to what in your basic business operations.
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Protecting Your Business with Electronic Card Access Systems
Whether you have valuable products to protect your your business stores sensitive client data, keeping your building secured may be a major concern for your business. While alarm systems and security cameras can help to secure your building, an electronic access system can provide an added layer of protection for your company. Here are some of the reasons to consider an electronic access system.
Limit Employee Access
Using an electronic access system makes it easy to limit the access of employees to areas throughout your building.
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