You may have thought that an affair would be the last straw and that your marriage would be over. But after you found out that your spouse had an affair, you may have decided that you actually do not want to say goodbye to your marriage. Many married couples have weathered the storm of infidelity and have come out stronger.
Allow for Your Emotions to Cool
Marriage does not end because of infidelity, but because of how the couple handles the infidelity.
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Plan A Local Business Street Fair To Bring In New Customers
A street fair in a local business district helps unite the community while also encouraging new business. Taking the time to plan ensures you host an event that everyone enjoys and benefits from.
Step #1: Secure Funding
There will be some costs associated with even the simplest street fair. Advertising, banners, and permits are the main expenses to plan for. If the businesses on your street are organized into a local small business association, the funding for the fair will likely come out of the association budget.
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Writing Your Life Story? Protect Yourself With These 3 Tips
It takes quite a bit of work to draft, edit, and print your life story. After spending months — possibly even years — crafting the perfect literary creation, you may still have numerous kinks to work out before your book hits the market. Whether you publish your finished work as an eBook or a hardcover novel, following the tips below can help you avoid potential issues.
Don't Plagiarize
Despite what you may have heard, imitation is not the highest form of flattery.
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